Well what a year 2020 is turning out to be! Optimism is a little thin on the ground right now but Easter is just around the corner; a...
Well! These are indeed extraordinary times. Tough times. Scary times. But whilst our everyday lives have changed beyond belief, there’s...
The Eye-Phone
The Eye-phone! Lost your glasses? There’s an app for that! Don’t get too excited people – there isn’t. But why ever not? When technology...
New Year 2020
Well here we are! Not just another New Year, but a new decade! Which probably deserves more than the usual weak-willed resolutions to...
Goodbye 2019
It’s that time of year again! Genuinely can’t believe Christmas is just around the corner and we’re heading for the end of another...

A Horse called Mice
This month, I’m writing from sunnier climes, having decided to spend a few days riding a horse with a funny name through the Spanish...
The 'B' word
So here we are, March 2019, hurtling towards a date that will change the course of history! Yes, March 29th, a day never to be forgotten...
Return of the Beasty Easty
The return of the beasty easty! Bit of a busman’s holiday this month, but weather being critical to both agriculture and the tourist...
My Thespiano
I said goodbye to my piano today, only it wan’t the painful ‘adieu’ I’d been anticipating, but a bemused ‘au revoir’ that I never...
My Mother’s Cat and Other Animals!
My Mother’s Cat and Other Animals! I have owned animals most of my adult life – the usual sort, cats, dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits, but now...